floating online,
touching grass,
floating online,
touching grass,
passion projects.
- "Chat with Codebase" application with Github integration that extensively uses RAG and LLMs AND runs locally. Of course, entirely open source. Blog Link.
Built a
barelyusable Rust library to perform reciprocal rank fusion of query engine results. As always, open sourced (pretty sure it was the first open source rust implementation). Check it out! - Divyadrishti /dɪv.jəˈdɹɪʃ.ti/ was a FinTech solution for the visually impaired individuals which is, currently (as of 2024), established at National Association of Blind, India for testing. Was awarded a project fellowship and here is one of the newspaper cuttings for the same.
- WebDoodle, a lightweight Chromium extension that lets you doodle while surfing the internet on the webpage itself. A quick project I made while studying for my Uni exams using p5.js (blog)!